Friday, July 4, 2008

SuperPhillip's Top 100 Favorite Games of All Time

Welcome back to another edition of the Top 100-- a special Fourth of July edition! What makes this edition Fourth of July-ish? Well, actually, nothing. Regardless, the Top 100 rolls on! From this week forward, I'll be slimming down the amount of games to five per week. Why rush a good thing, right?

As always:
The first ninety games are in NO particular order. For someone with OCD, compiling a list of 100 games in order would drive me absolutely crazy. There's a good mix of titles from multiple consoles, developers, and genres. Hope you leave this list with some fuzzy memories and good times.

- Super Mario Bros. (NES)

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Do the Mario!

This seems fitting to follow up the newest 2-D Mario platformer with the one that started it all-- if not elementary. Super Mario Bros. is a game that single-handedly revived the video game market, not only in Japan but where Atari helped kill it in America. This game was simple in design, but the concepts from it are still used to this very day.

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You play as the portly plumber Mario on his adventure to save Princess Peach from the nefarious King Koopa. What follows are eight worlds of four levels each all concluding with an epic showdown with the King of the Koopas himself There were just so many secrets to find, hidden 1-up blocks, secret bonus areas via warp pipe or beanstalk, and special warp zones allowing players to skip worlds. There was even a minus world for those with initiative! Super Mario Bros. may not be my favorite Mario, but it certainly is the one that got me into gaming. I salute you, Mario. Keep ruling gaming.

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- Super Smash Bros. Melee (GCN)

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Nintendo's All-Stars Battle It Out

Finishing up the trifecta of Bros. titles in a row, Super Smash Bros. Melee made every Nintendo fan drool with anticipation when it was revealed at Nintendo's press conference in 2001. Battles were more complex, the amount of characters was staggering, the number of arenas was wide and diverse, and just the amount of content in Melee is staggering. Not only could you unlock new stages and characters (some of them made you go "what the %#$"), but you could earn trophies categorizing the history of Nintendo's greatest mascots.

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This title was released during my early years of high school (sophomore year to be exact), and that was a time where the internet wasn't readily available to me. So seeing the "WARNING NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHING" signal was always such a treat. Which character would I battle next? Oh my, Ganondorf?!! Young Link?! MEWTWO?! It was just a cooler time without being spoiled by the internet, I think.

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- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB, GBC)

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The Legend's In Your Pocket

Goodness. It's yet another Legend of Zelda title on the top 100. Well, it's by no accident or error on my part. It's no secret to anybody that Zelda is one of, if not my favorite video game franchise ever. Each game brings something new to the table, and while the formula may remain the same, the experience definitely doesn't. Regardless, don't be surprised to see more Zelda titles in my top 100.

Narrowing down our focus to Link's Awakening, it was the first handheld Zelda. Its smaller size did not mean a smaller adventure. It was packed with content, items to acquire, dungeons to pillage through, and bosses to battle. The game took place outside of Hyrule, and even though it was entirely a dream the fun I had was very real. Link's Awakening would be the one and only handheld Zelda title developed by Nintendo-- well, unless you count the Game Boy Color remake, Link's Awakening DX, which featured color as well as a new dungeon. I need to try that one out while I'm thinking about it...

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- Sonic Advance (GBA)

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Rolling Around At the Speed of Sound

After countless years of a 2-D Sonic drought, the gods of gaming rained down upon the world with Sonic Advance for the Game Boy Advance. It had everything you loved from the Genesis titles gameplay-wise and created seven zones of pure delight. Instead of collecting a certain amount of rings to access the special zone, you just had to find a cleverly placed spring within a given zone to plunge into the special stage. There you'd guide Sonic on a skyboard of some form or another, collecting rings and dodging mines to grab a Chaos Emerald. The bosses were also stellar-- some of which even familiar to some of the bosses of Sonic 1 and 2-- even with the same music! All in all, Sonic Advance was one of my favorite 2-D Sonics of all time. But could one of its sequels top it?

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- Sonic Advance 2 (GBA)

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Got Places To Go, Gotta Follow My Rainbow

The first two Sonic Advance titles are 2-D Sonic nirvana. This game allowed you to play as not one, not two, not three-- but five characters-- each of which played differently. Sonic could speed through levels, Tails could fly, Knuckles could scale up walls, Cream was a new character to the Sonic universe, and Amy could attack enemies with her hammer. Boss battles mostly consisted of Sonic or whoever chasing after one of Eggman's robotic creations while on the run, collecting rings, and dodging attacks. Fast-paced battles and some nail-biters made this title's boss battles stand out from the others in my opinion. And that was the theme of Sonic Advance 2, it was a much faster game compared to the original. The level design was also much more open and able to be explored.

To reach the special stages, you'd need to acquire 7 gold rings in an act, and then try your luck at the special stage for one of seven Chaos Emeralds. To unlock the final chapter of the story, you'd need to collect all seven emeralds for all four characters (Amy didn't count). Phew. That was a workout! Seriously, if you have a GBA, you have to pick up the first two Sonic Advance games-- heck, pick up all three! You can nab 'em for cheap now.

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Until next week, the Top 100 will be on a nice and well-deserved vacation! See ya!