I'm pleased to present to everyone a monthly series of polls. I haven't come up with a cool kick-ass name for it yet. I could go with something like "Poll of the Month", but that seems lame. Then I was thinking a pun like "Poll Position", but I didn't know if that would sound appropriate. Feel free to post name suggestions as well as upcoming questions for me to ask you, the reader.
Nonetheless, September's question is pretty simple. It's just a matter of whether or not you like my blog. I voted the top answer since I'm really proud of this baby, but I do know there's lots of room for improvement. That's where you come in yet again. You can choose one of the four choices on the poll which is located to the right of this entry, dominating the top slot of my sidebar! Why, that greedy, showboating poll! I digress. Pick you choice, and then please leave a comment in this blog entry saying what you like and what you dislike about the blog. Please be respectful. Incendiary comments have no place here (not as if that's been a problem here with you great readers), so thanks for understanding.
At the start of next month, the results of this month's poll will be posted along with a brand new question. Hope you like this new segment of the blog!
P.S. I cannot take credit for the cute picture. I did not create it. I simply used Google and searched under images for "poll". This was the second picture that came up, but it's not exactly the type of poll I'm looking for. That's just a plain ol' pole!
What about Monthly Tally?
Or actually, Central City Census?
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