Friday, May 1, 2009

Central City Census - May

It's the beginning of a new month, so it's time for a new census to kick off. Before we do that, however, let's check the results of April's census.

Asking about if you guys were planning on getting the Nintendo DSi, the tight majority said their DS is fine whether it be the original model or the DS Lite. 27 people may already own a DSi by the writing of this census, and ten voters had no interest in the DS at all. Console-only gamers perhaps.

Reviews are one of the most important products of SuperPhillip Central. May's Census asks which platform would you like to see more games reviewed for. Maybe you've been checking out my review archive and noticing there aren't as many reviews for a particular system. Now's your chance (it's always your chance for your criticisms, compliments, suggestions, and questions) to let me know.

Poll ends May 31st at 11:59 p.m. CST (or whenever this silly poll clock feels like it-- which ever comes first).

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