The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
A big reason why this game is overlooked so much is that each player needed a Game Boy Advance and link cable to play. Regardless, Four Swords Adventures is truly an enjoyable single-player game. You control all four Links, set up formations, solve some perplexing puzzles in each level (most of which extremely clever), bash baddies, score force gems, and cooperate to proceed and complete each of the game's twenty-four levels. These took place all around Hyrule and in familiar locations like Lake Hylia, the Eastern Palace, Death Mountain, and Kakariko Village. For a non-traditional take on the Zelda franchise, look into Four Swords Adventures.

Star Fox Assault
Compared to the fantastic Star Fox 64, this sequel paled in comparison. Standing... er... flying on its own, however, Star Fox Assault was pretty darned good. The on-foot and Landmaster portions of the game took getting used to, but after a little while they become second nature. The traditional corridor flying missions are really where this game shines along with its top-notch presentation and impressive, orchestral soundtrack. What other Star Fox game can you leap out from your Arwing, run around, and hop into your Landmaster? Meanwhile, the multi-player mode was one of the more fun experiences on the Gamecube-- even without bots.

Bomberman Generation/Jetters
These colorful romps were enjoyable adventures starring everyone's mad bomber, Bomberman. Generation was the first game released on the Gamecube, and it was done so early in the console's life cycle. Likewise, Jetters came out in the latter half of the Gamecube's short, tragic life. Both games sport an awesome cel-shaded art style, the bombing bad dudes action you know and love, and a multiple levels and bosses to blast through. This game's more similar to the Bomberman 64 line of games except with a less serious story attached to them. They were at bargain bin prices to begin with, so there's no wonder how cheap you can get each for now!

Mega Man: Network Transmission
A spin-off of the Mega Man Battle Network games, this platformer will surely test the reflexes, patience, timing, and platforming skills of whoever plays it. As you played, a bar would fill up. Once it did, the blue chip bomber would have access to an assortment of chips. Chips served as weapons, helpful abilities, or traditional items. The crux of all this is that the bar filled up soooo slow that it could become tedious waiting for the exact chip you wanted. Regardless of this, Network Transmission was no walk in the park with difficult bosses and challenging gameplay. Despite these shortcomings, Network Transmission remains an underrated gem in the Gamecube's chip folder.

Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
The beat goes on with Donkey Kong. This game came with or without the bongo controller, the vessel that would move DK around in this innovative platformer. Hitting the left bongo would move the top banana left while hitting the right would move him to the right. Hitting both together in unison would make DK jump up, and clapping would allow my main monkey to grab onto enemies, flowers, and whatever else have you. Each world was comprised of two levels and a boss battle. These boss battles required the player to wallop on the bongos to inflict damage on a weakened foe. While not a poor seller, a lot of the Gamecube fanbase looked over the impressive and intuitive game.

Not to be confused with the current president of the United States, Obam-- dammit! Odama was another interesting experiment. It was a pinball game that utilized the same controller that Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat did-- the bongo controller. I can dig it. The left bongo operated the left flipper and the right moved the right. Meanwhile your goal of feudal conquest involved moving your soldiers across the battlefield, taking out enemy troops with your "pinball", and saving the day for imperialism everywhere! While sometimes frustrating, Ob--almost did it again-- Odama shines as an intriguing game for those with dust forming on their bongos. No sexual euphemism intended.

There we go. What games would you like to see in future editions? Were there any games listed that you disagree with? Let everyone know in our comments section!
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