HOW'S THAT FOR STARTERS? : Complete dataDyne Central - Defection
BOTH BARRELS : Shoot an enemy when dual wielding
ACT YOUR AGE, JOANNA : Destroy Carrington's wine collection
DOUBLE 64 : Kill 128 enemies using secondary fire mode
CAMERA SHY : Destroy 10 security cameras
DEADLY LAPTOP : Kill 50 enemies using the laptop gun in sentry mode
PACI-FIST : Complete any Solo Mission on Special Agent or harder using only your fists
TOOLS OF THE TRADE : Get a Bronze rating or better with all 32 weapons in the Firing Range
VERSATILE : Complete a Combat Simulator game using each of the six preset Scenarios
GOLDEN DAYS : Complete a Combat Simulator game on Felicity, Complex or Temple using Classic Weapons
PRIME TARGET : Complete every Challenge up to and including 29, the tenth Prime Number
A FRIEND INDEED : Complete any mission in Co-operative Mode
...WHO NEEDS ENEMIES? : Complete any mission in Counter-Operative Mode
DATADYNE SPECIALIST : Kill at least one enemy with each of the dataDyne weapons
CARRINGTON INSTITUTE SPECIALIST : Kill at least one enemy with each of the Carrington Institute weapons
1 comment:
I never played any of the original Perfect Dark games. But, having a glance at the achievement list has made me curious about perhaps getting the XBLA version; purely because they all look fairly attainable. I should be blushing, I know. Cheers for putting the link up btw!
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