SPC Highlights

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) New Trailers

A month before its release we have a fresh trailer for Super Mario 3D Land, a title that's bound to be a surefire hit for the Nintendo 3DS. The trailers shows off Tanooki Mario, some 3D platforming, and quite a few of the varying levels the game has to offer. You can pick up your copy of Super Mario 3D Land when it leaps onto store shelves mid-November.


  1. Do they have these in 3D either on the eShop or 3DS video channel? I've been poking around in there the last two days and have only seen the original teaser trailer.

    I really didn't think the 3D would make much of an impression, but I have to say that it's been very cool. I'll be pre-ordering this soon and the 3D video basically sealed the deal. :)

  2. Hey, Robert.

    The second trailer I posted should be up shortly whenever Nintendo decides to update. I have yet to check to see if it's up.

  3. Looks like they did update it last night. Looking very good in 3D!


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