SPC Highlights

Friday, January 27, 2012

More Pushmo (3DSWare) QR Codes - Final Fantasy-style!

EvilRedEye from the NeoGAF (you don't know how bad I wanted to call them NeoFAQs just now) forums posted a whole slew of Final Fantasy-related QR codes for the highly popular Pushmo, available on the 3DS eShop. Just right click each and open them in a new tab or window to see a full-sized version of each set of codes. EvilRedEye says that these codes should work, so I'm putting my trust into a total stranger. I am constantly amazed by the wonderful puzzles made by the Pushmo community.


  1. What a brilliant idea. I can't wait to try these out :D

  2. Hey, Matt. When you get a chance, let me know if these work, please.

  3. The ones from FF1 work. They look really cool!

  4. I grabbed some from FF6 and FF4 and they work fine.


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