SPC Highlights

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2, GCN, XBX, PC) Retro Review

Ultimate Spider-Man was a great comic book series. The game of the same name was also quite good. Mentioned many times on SuperPhillip Central as one of the best Spider-Man games ever devised, you might be wondering why we say that continually. Here's the review of the game for our answer.

Go for the Ultimate Spin

From 2000 to 2009, Ultimate Spider-Man existed as part of a new universe of Ultimate comics from Marvel. During the midpoint of its original run, Activision and Treyarch brought forth a video game based on the comic book series. Using an art style that was reminiscent of the comic books the game was modeled after, Ultimate Spider-Man released in 2005 to great success. Was there good reason for this success, or you should you neglect to fall into Spider-Man's web?

The story of Ultimate Spider-Man the video game begins with the Venom saga of the comic book of the same name. Peter Parker and Eddie Brock's fathers were working on a special Venom suit that would heal the wearer, particularly to cure cancer. Peter, as Spider-Man takes the suit out for a spin. While it gives him a boost to his superhuman powers, the suit tries to consume him, leaving him in a weakened state. When Eddie finds this out, he wants to see the power of the suit for himself, thus becoming the creature known as Venom. The writing in the game and witticisms by Spider-Man are as good as what is found in the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book, both written by all-star Brian Michael Bendis.

This is how Spider-Man goes
on a leisurely stroll.
Ultimate Spider-Man's short campaign (approximately 5-6 hours long) has you switching between the old webhead and Venom, occasionally having the two cross paths in the story. Story missions contain things like chase sequences, rescuing civilians, and boss battles with Ultimate versions of familiar foes like Rhino, Electro, the Green Goblin and more. While the campaign is short, there is plenty outside of the story to do. In fact, in order to progress to the next part of the story, Spidey will need to complete City Goals. These are tasks like collecting certain objects, saving denizens from danger and attacking gangs committing crimes.

I'm guessing you're not here for
a Mini Cooper.

Speaking of collecting, there is plenty to nab. There are loads of secret tokens to be found within the open world confines of Queens and Manhattan, there are icons that unlock comic book covers from the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series, there's combat tours, where Spider-Man must go from point to point, taking out enemies, and there's waypoint races to be completed. Completing these unlocks new abilities for Spider-Man as well as unlockable costumes.

Chasing Electro through the city streets
of Manhattan certainly lights up the joint.
As stated, Ultimate Spider-Man mixes things up by having you take on the roles of Spider-Man and Venom. Spider-Man has a more streamlined approach to his web swinging than what was seen in Spider-Man 2. However, like Spider-Man 2, Spidey must be near a building to web swing by it. He can perform a Web Rush by having you press the shoulder buttons to cross over long distances much faster than normal, as well as climb the walls of buildings. Taking down foes is no problem with Spider-Man's spider sense. When the prompt is displayed over his head, that's your cue to jump out of danger's way.

What, were you expecting Tarzan?
On the other hand, Venom is a completely different beast-- literally. He does not have any web-swinging abilities. Instead, he can leap large distances with a press of the right shoulder button. The suit Eddie Brock wears is constantly feeding on him, wishing to consume his very essence. In order to avoid this, Brock must use the Venom suit to feed on enemies in addition to unlucky, innocent New Yorkers. Otherwise his health will continue to deplete.

Feed me, Seymour. Feed me!
It's a shame that a game like Ultimate Spider-Man didn't show up on a system on this generation, as not only would the cel-shaded comic book art style look even more fantastic than it already does, but a lot of the technical issues that haunt the game would probably be gone or at least remedied a bit. For instance, the draw distance isn't the most impressive and there is a consistent amount of objects popping up into the environment out of nowhere, especially with regard to vehicles. None of this really affects the gameplay, but they are without a doubt noticeable and could bring down the experience to some players.

The cutscenes are really well done in Ultimate Spider-Man. They are made to look just like comic book panels, but with some pizzazz. Seeing Venom leap out from one panel with the camera panning with him into another panel is an awesome sight. The voice acting is really good, adding to each event that happens in the story.

These comic book panel-styled
cutscenes are brilliant.
Overall, Ultimate Spider-Man is not the perfect Spider-Man game, but it is the closest 3D entry to approach that benchmark. From its gorgeous cel-shaded art style to its myriad of side tasks that make the short campaign not seem so bad, Ultimate Spider-Man delivers the web-slinging charm that fans of the webhead will no doubt enjoy.

[SPC Says: 8.75/10]

Pokémon X and Pokémon Y (3DS) Gameplay Trailer 5

A new trailer for the duo of new Pokemon games has been uploaded to the Pokemon YouTube channel. In it we see several new Pokemon making their debut in this new generation of Pokemon games. October 12 is when both Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will hit store shelves worldwide.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (PS3) Debut Trailer

One of the SuperPhillip Central crew's favorite PlayStation franchises is Ratchet & Clank, and the duo is returning to its roots with Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus, primed to make a landing on the PS3 for a budget price. After two less-than-spectacular attempts at expanding the franchise with All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault, it's nice to see Insomniac look like they're getting the series back on track.

SuperPhillip Central's Top 100 Games of All Time (50-41)

On June 5, SuperPhillip Central turned five years old. We're celebrating big the only way we know how, with a list of our favorite 100 games of all time. SuperPhillip Central's staff has come together to come up with this list. These don't necessarily have to be the best, but they are indeed our favorites. Coming up with an order for these games has been an immense challenge. We're sure you won't agree with our order-- heck, we don't even agree with our order. That said, we hope you'll at least agree with our picks, and if you don't, at least you can read our rationale for our choices. Regardless, for ten weeks, we will be counting down our favorite games of all time. Please join us for this great undertaking.

If you missed a previous edition of our countdown, look no further than these links:

Games of All Time (100-91)
Games of All Time (90-81)
Games of All Time (80-71)
Games of All Time (70-61)
Games of All Time (60-51)

Let's return to the countdown!

50) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

This seems to be a love or hate kind of game. Some just can't come to terms with the motion control sword movements of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, while others (such as us) have no problem with them. Years of promises of the potential of the Wii led up to Link's latest adventure. While there was no doubt a good deal of padding within the game, we enjoyed our time with the earliest in the Legend of Zelda franchise. We felt like total bad asses slaying goblins and vicious rooted plants that got in our way, and we enjoyed having to think about our sword movements before attacking. Waggling will definitely get you nowhere in a hurry. Then there's the presentation-- a glorious warm art style with a soundtrack that is one of the series's best. The fandom of the Zelda franchise might be split on this game, but we're in the camp that adores it.

49) Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (Multi)

Our favorite kart racer of this past generation was Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. Unlike its sequel that came out last year, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing had tracks that were easy to see where to go, a cast of characters that we enjoyed (curse you, Sumo Digital, for removing Billy Hatcher and Ryo Hazuki from the roster!), and the game had far less glitches than its successor. We also preferred using SEGA Miles to purchase new content like characters, tracks and music. The track design was spectacular, the mission mode got us hooked and the racing was superior in both fairness and fun to Mario Kart Wii. Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing was a fantastic first effort by Sumo Digital and a love letter to SEGA fans both young and old.

48) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GEN)

The original Sonic the Hedgehog was a speedy romp compared to its rival Super Mario World. The sequel turned up the stakes and the speed even more so. The amount of zones in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was around double the amount seen in its predecessor, offering rides through an ocean of oil, a submerged series of ruins and a casino paradise, for starters. It wasn't quantity over quality, however. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 possessed a wide range of wonderfully designed levels for players to endure. The sequel introduced Sonic's best bud Tails (aka Miles "Tails" Prower) into the mix, allowing two players to play through the game together simultaneously. Tails could carry Sonic for a limited amount of time. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is everything a sequel should be-- bigger, better and bolder.

47) Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

One of the most content-rich handheld games of all time, Kid Icarus: Uprising was a game from the mind behind Kirby and Super Smash Bros. that, like Skyward Sword, had its share of lovers and haters. A good portion of players loved the controls, the flight levels and ground-based combat. Others (especially those who are left-handed) found the game to be taxing. We're on the former side. Kid Icarus: Uprising contained 25 chapters of action that was accompanied by some of the wittiest dialogue seen in a video game for a long time. We kept wanting to play not just because we were having fun, but also because we wanted to see what was going to happen next and hear what was going to be said next! We said Uprising was content-rich, and that is very true-- an abundance of achievements that when completed each unlock features, online multiplayer, and a myriad of weapons and skills made for a game that one could easily spend hundreds of hours playing.

46) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)

We're hesitant to call Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island a true Mario game, as it stars Yoshi with Mario is a backup non-playable role. We'd call it more of a Yoshi game than a Mario game, but that's just arguing semantics. That said, Yoshi's Island brought with it a splendid art style that looked quite unlike any game at the time. It featured Yoshi in the leading role, needing to escort Baby Mario, who rides on his back, through the game's various levels. Getting hit meant Baby Mario would start whining and float around in a bubble. If the timer hit zero, Baby Bowser's minions would nab the hero-to-be and you'd have to restart the level from the beginning or a checkpoint. There was a lot of collecting to be had-- red coins, flowers and stars-- all used to get that much desired score of 100 on each level. Yoshi could swallow enemies to create eggs, which could then be used to attack foes from afar and interact with other objects. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is one of Nintendo's finest platformers on the Super Nintendo, and it's criminal that we have yet to see it appear on the Virtual Console in its original form.

45) Crash Team Racing (PS1)

Following hot off the heels (or is it wheels?) of Diddy Kong Racing, Naughty Dog decided to take the Crash Bandicoot license and give the wild mascot a set of wheels of his own. The end result was Crash Team Racing, one of the best mascot kart racers that isn't Mario Kart. Though you began with buy eight characters, you could unlock more for a total of fifteen manic racers. The main attraction to CTR was the story mode, modeled after Diddy Kong Racing. In it, you competed in various race types, from normal races to races where you had to nab the letters C, T, and R and cross the finish line in first place. Outside of the story mode, many sleepless nights were had, passing around the controllers as family and friends raced and raged against one another, vying for first place and bragging rights. Crash Team Racing would be the final Crash Bandicoot Naughty Dog would develop, but what a way to go out!

44) Rayman Origins (Multi)

The origins of Rayman returned to what the series was known best as-- a terrific 2D platforming series that looked and played darned nice. That was exactly what Rayman Origins offered, a game that you can find on almost every past generation platform under the sun. It was just a fun time running, jumping, and slapping across the 40+ levels Rayman Origins contained. Adding to the fun was the prospect of multiplayer, which made the game easier and even more entertaining than playing alone. By far the most appealing levels were the treasure chase levels. These had you needing to have perfect runs as you chased a treasure chest through a platforming obstacle course. Don't forget about the gorgeous graphics and stellar music that wrapped up Rayman Origins in a nice and neat package. With how much we enjoyed Rayman Origins, is there any wonder why the news of Rayman Legends being delayed six months totally bummed us out?

43) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

Nathan Drake returned, but this time he brought even more friends into the fold. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is our favorite of Naughty Dog's premiere PlayStation 3 franchise. The pacing was pitch perfect in this roller coaster of a action-adventure ride. Uncharted 2 feels like an interactive movie with all of the spectacle and fascinating set pieces a Hollywood blockbuster could give you, but with much more control and interaction. As for the gameplay, among Thieves had the series's stupendous mix of shooting, platforming, climbing, and puzzle solving, all tied neatly together by an entertaining story and stellar dialogue. When the campaign was cleared and you wanted a taste of something fresh, Uncharted 2 contained both online cooperative and competitive multiplayer to treat players to action-packed shootouts with friends and total strangers. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves delivered a healthy dose of excitement to the majority of players who inserted the disc into their PlayStation 3s.

42) LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)

We gave the original LittleBigPlanet our game of the year award in 2008. LittleBigPlanet 2 didn't quite reach those heights (though it still won runner-up for the game of the year category), but we love the sequel all the same. What you got with LittleBigPlanet 2 was everything you loved about the original only with much more content, features, and creative abilities. We're glad LittleBigPlanet 2 doesn't have a counter displaying how much time we've spent in the creation mode, as we would no doubt be embarrassed or depressed with regard to how many days we've spent in there. The level of complexity that a given person could put into their levels was mind-boggling. The community constantly shows off how amazing it is, creating not only fantastic platforming levels, but things like first-person shooters and spectacular cutscenes that make some other game's cutscenes look like student films. LittleBigPlanet 2 successfully expanded on its predecessor and made for one of the most wonderful creative communities on consoles-- one that a person might say rivals what is found on PCs.

41) Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)

Nintendo purchased Monolith Soft, the makers of the Xenosaga series. After working on games like Soma Bringer and Disaster: Day of Crisis (both of which never made it to North America), the team worked on their best project yet, and one of the best JRPGs in the modern era, Xenoblade Chronicles. The combat felt like an MMO-lite, the world to explore was absolutely massive-- spanning miles, and the little things like fast travel and changing the time of day made for extra convenience and less headaches. Death in the game didn't mean you had to restart from your last save point. Instead, you would return to a continue point with all of the experience you had acquired-- something very kind to players and making all the hard work not for naught. Perhaps the only complaints one could have regarding Xenoblade Chronicles is how some side quests aren't very meaningful, and that the game didn't appear on more powerful hardware. That said, Xenoblade Chronicles is still plenty impressive HD or not.


We've crossed over the halfway point of our countdown of our favorite video games of all time. As always, come here next Wednesday for the next ten games on our list.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top Ten Soundtracks of All Time

We love music. We love video game music. In honor of SuperPhillip Central's five year anniversary, we have been listing our top 100 games ever. To go alongside that, we've decided to do a top ten regarding our collective's favorite soundtracks of all time. From classics to modern titles, this list have got them all. Obviously music is very subjective, so you don't need to agree to our choices. That said, if you have video game soundtracks of your own that you'd like to share with us, give us a holler in the comments section below.

10) Wild ARMS (PS1)

Michiko Naruke delivers a blend of old west and orchestral sounds with her Wild ARMS soundtrack, a true classic in every sense of the word. Right when the intro cutscene plays as To the End of the Wilderness accompanies it, you know you're in for an exciting adventure. Wild ARMS: Alter Code f redid plenty of the themes from this game, but we will always prefer the original music to the remixes. These are warmer sounding and are drenched with glorious nostalgia.

9) Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PSP)

Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a remake of the SNES game Ys III: Wanderers of Ys. The gameplay is severely different from the SNES game. The music is also remade, featuring some fantastic versions of old favorites. There is a lot more rock-centered focus to Ys: The Oath in Felghana, and it is very much a welcome one. The rhythm and beats that drive the songs are a great companion as you play as Adol, trying to save the world. From the tense sounds of Snare of Darkness to the epic final battle theme The Strongest Foe, Ys:  The Oath in Felghana comes with a stellar soundtrack.

8) Mega Man X (SNES)

No worries, SPC faithful. There will be plenty of classic soundtracks on our list, too. The first of which is the original Mega Man X. There's nothing better than good ol' synth, and that is exactly what you get with Mega Man X's soundtrack. These themes will forever be a part of video game music history, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

7) Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

Kid Icarus: Uprising is a Nintendo 3DS exclusive that not only brought with it hilarious dialogue, fast paced flying and ground-based action, but it also contained an amazing orchestrated soundtrack. Composed by an all-star team including Yasunori Mitsuda, Motoi Sakuraba, and Yuzo Koshiro (for starters), Kid Icarus: Uprising has a wide range of musical styles, from Aurum Island's jazz to Lightning Battle's hard rock. SuperPhillip Central didn't award the soundtrack of the year award to this game last year for no reason!

6) Star Ocean: The Second Story (PS1)

Speaking of Motoi Sakuraba, if we had to choose a soundtrack of his that we would point to as his greatest, we'd point to Star Ocean: The Second Story (also available on PSP as Star Ocean: Second Evolution). The sounds of the synth the game uses fills us with warmth and the melodies heard make us wax poetic. Everything from The Venerable Forest to Pyroxene gives us such a nice feeling when we listen to it.

5) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES)

The best the Donkey Kong Country series has to offer in both gameplay and music is Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. David Wise brings his A-game, offering atmospheric and melodic tracks that are way ahead of their time. To this day, there are still soundtracks that don't come anywhere close to matching the charm and ambiance that David Wise's works on Donkey Kong Country 2 possess.

4) Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Originally when Super Mario Galaxy was shown, it contained a synthesized soundtrack. When the game came closer to release, it was revealed that the majority of songs would be orchestrated-- a first for the Mario series and something not usually done by Nintendo. The end result is just magical. Forgive us if we use too much emotionally-charged wording here. It's no wonder people dislike what they hear regarding the New Super Mario Bros. series' music, because Super Mario Galaxy has spoiled us so greatly. Without a doubt our favorite song from the series is Gusty Garden Galaxy. So spectacular...

3) Super Smash Bros. Melee (GCN)

If you're like us, then you're drooling at the thought of playing Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. If you're like us also, then you absolutely love the soundtrack of Super Smash Bros. Melee, featuring many orchestral remixes of familiar Nintendo themes. Hearing the bold brass of the Legend of Zelda theme playing in Great Bay and the awesome guitar work of Mute City brings joy and happiness to our bodies and smiles to our faces.

2) Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)

We tried to limit this list to just ONE Final Fantasy soundtrack, but we couldn't do it in the end. Instead, we have two Final Fantasy soundtracks on our list. This one is from a spin-off series, Final Fantasy Tactics. Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata teamed up to create this sensational soundtrack that plays on the emotions of its listener. From dramatic themes like Tension 1 to poignant character themes like Ovelia's Theme, Final Fantasy Tactics' soundtrack remains as wonderful as it was back in released in 1997.

1) Final Fantasy VI (SNES)

Here we go with our favorite video game soundtrack of all time-- Final Fantasy VI (or as it was known in the West for a period of time, Final Fantasy III). Final Fantasy VI contains Nobuo Uematsu's greatest work, and imagine having to work within the confines of the SNES sound chip to produce such a superior soundtrack. The music still sounds fantastic to this day, and we're still floored by tracks like the multi-tiered Dancing Mad, one of the greatest boss themes ever composed, as well as character themes like Terra and Celes. Nobuo Uematsu continues to be the most prolific composer in the video game industry-- at least that's our story (which we are sticking to!).


You have read our thoughts on our favorite soundtracks, but which ones do you deem your favorites? They need not necessarily be the best-- they just need to be ones you enjoy the most. Let us and the SPC community know in the comments section below.

Monday, July 8, 2013

SPC Soapbox - 7/8/13 Nintendo's Total Incompetence and Sociopathic Gamers

It is time for the return of the SPC Soapbox, where we take the opportunity to discuss issues that are important to us, and perhaps even important to you. These are usually topics that are hotly debated or relevant today. On today's edition of the SPC Soapbox, we have two topics to talk about: Nintendo's (mis)handling of the Wii U and a sect of gamer that is absolutely reprehensible.

Nintendo's Total Incompetence

The Wii U is currently a disaster of epic proportions. There is no hyperbole here with regard to sales and third-party relations that are somehow already close to Nintendo 64 levels. Not even Japan cares about the system. How Nintendo goes from selling upwards of 100 million consoles with the Wii and follows that up with the Wii U is mind-boggling. Never have we seen a system from Nintendo so early in its life have a future that looks absolutely frightening.

We've seen arguments that Nintendo's big games are not yet out, so until they are, the Wii U will continue selling poorly. However, that's all Nintendo's fault in the first place. Nintendo essentially killed off the Wii to pursue HD development, or so it would be logical to think. We mean, they basically let the Wii die off not in a blaze of glory but a pathetic whimper-- and for what?

Just what in the heck was Nintendo doing from the two years before the Wii's death (where they stopped releasing as many titles as before) and the launch of the Wii U? It was no secret unless Nintendo had its collective head in the sand like an ostrich that HD development required double (if not more) of the resources of standard definition development. A person could see that in 2005 and 2006. Yet somehow, Nintendo STILL wasn't prepared for working on HD games in 2011 and 2012, despite all of the warning signs. Is this the sign of a competent company? Heck no.

How does this happen? Is Nintendo really out of touch and living in their own bubble that they couldn't have been better prepared? Nintendo did itself no favor by ending the Wii with a whimper, putting many Wii owners in a bad state of mind because of it. They did itself no favor by releasing the Wii U, a console with laughable third party support, no enticing launch games (even though Nintendo Land IS awesome, in our eyes), and a hefty price tag. They knew what they were getting themselves involved with concerning moving to HD, yet they still weren't ready. We'd say it was hilarious if it weren't so remarkably sad and pitiful.

Don't get us started on the stupidity of naming the system the Wii U after what the company went through with the confusion of the Nintendo 3DS being thought of as a remodel of the DS line. How do you make the same mistake twice? It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well, it must mean that Nintendo is absolutely insane (and we don't mean that in our usual good way) because the Wii U is still being confused as a Wii accessory.

Please understand.
We just don't understand what the hell is going on at Nintendo HQ. We love president Satoru Iwata, but his mistakes and judgment have completely been questionable over the past few years. As much as we'd hate to see him go, his business views don't mesh well with what is needed to make the Wii U a success. He failed with the launch of the 3DS and now the Wii U. We don't want to see what happens when he gets strike three.

Sociopathic Gamers

There is something that just disturbs the hell out of us on gaming message boards and forums. That is that there is good portion of gamers who go far beyond the typical console warrior (aka fanboy) mentality. No, we have gamers (who we thought were supposed to encourage growth in the industry) honestly wanting companies to die. Sure, why not?Who cares how many jobs are lost? Who cares what that would do the industry? As long as anonymous internet gaming jerk gets to see his or her most hated faceless video game company perish, everything is all right!

We are gamers. We should want succeeding in the industry. It's fair not to agree with the philosophies of a company, developer or publisher. You need not support them. Just don't go out of your way to wish death on them. That is just sociopathic behavior, pathetic of not only someone on the internet but humanity in general. It's an embarrassment to the industry, and for all the folks that think Company A is a cancer to gaming, no, you are wrong. YOU, the sociopath that wants a company to die because you don't like the games they make, are the cancer to gaming instead. Funny how that irony works.

SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs - Summer Doldrums Edition

We're in the midst of a bare month of games here in North America. There really isn't much (see: anything) to get excited about, at least for us anyway. This week on SuperPhillip Central's weekly Favorite VGMs segment, we come with music from games like Mario Kart Wii, Mega Man 8 and Resident Evil 5. We even go back to the 16-bit era with music from the SNES classic puzzler Tetris Attack. After you've listened to this week's five VGMs, why not pay a visit to our VGM Database?

v411. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - Credits Part 2

After besting your eleven other racing rivals in all eight cups of Mario Kart Wii, you get a well deserved ceremony and the credits sequence. This uptempo tune is heard during the second half of the credits sequence.

v412. Mega Man 8 (PS1, SAT) - Wily Tower Stage 1

Mega Man 8's first Wily Tower stage has the majority of the gameplay with Mega Man on skis, just like Frost Man's stage. However, this time the challenge is much greater-- as if the challenge wasn't already high in Frost Man's level. The robotic voice telling Mega Man to jump and slide goes perfectly with this music.

v413. Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (3DS) - Showtime

The first mission of Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure, a rhythm game with the story of a Professor Layton game, has Phantom R dancing in from of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the setting of the game. Showtime puts players in a hip hop mood as they tap their way to success.

v414. Tetris Attack (SNES) - Water World

Tetris Attack is one of our favorite puzzle games for the Super Nintendo. Sure, we absolutely suck at it, but that's neither here nor there. Panel de Pon has always been a favorite of ours, and it was never better than in Tetris Attack on the SNES.

v415. Resident Evil 5 (PS3, 360, PC) - Rust in Summer 2008

Electronica and club music isn't what you'd normally expect in a Resident Evil game. Well, that is exactly what you get with Resident Evil 5's Rust in Summer 2008. Blast down foes in The Mercenaries as this track keeps a driving beat and peps you up to slay all that stand in your way.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Animal Crossing Journal - New Look, New Central Edition

Phil is back with a new installment of the Animal Crossing Journal. It's been a month now since I've had my copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, so I would like to take this edition of the Animal Crossing Journal to show off my family's town of Central with my new and improved look in the game.

I decided to dress like I was in high school-- varsity jacket, cargo pants, and gelled in the front hair. Since Shampoodle opened, I got this new haircut. (Of course, I had to reset a couple of times because that crazy poodle gave me orange hair the first two tries!) The jacket design is not mine. It was found on another site with the QR codes for it. The cargo pants were purchased at the Able Sisters.

Thanks, Apple! You were
always my favorite.
Central has grown by a lot since it was just a town with a handful of citizens, a sparse amount of flowers and trees, and few things to distinguish it from the crowd and other villages. Now, Central has paved paths (sidewalks), multiple fixings through public works projects (we're currently working on a cafe), and it's overrun with gorgeous greenery, flowers, trees (with every kind of fruit imaginable) and bushes. Here's a tour!

Phil Manor
This is what greets guests.
The main road at the top of town...
...leads to Central's hi-tech video screen!
To the left of that is our town's lamppost.
And to that is this idyllic setting,
overlooking the river flowing
into the ocean.
Central's central bridge leads here.
Which has a path that leads off to Re-Tail.
South of that is this work of art.
Meanwhile, Biskit is fixated on me
and my prep look. ...Creep.
Central is working on a cafe right now,
but this is the most recent public works
addition to the town, a log bench!
Being the mayor is tough work.
Time for a sit down!
At the southeast portion of town is
the town hall, fountain and park clock.
Our yellow hibiscus bushes look great!
 Rosie, one of my favorite villagers, offered to come by Phil Manor for a quick visit. As I love making friends jealous, I, of course, invited her over.

Welcome, Rosie!
No, the fun room is the bedroom.
Yeah, because this room is SO boring and all...
Rosie isn't even looking. I don't
think she'd be interested anyway...
Thanks for keeping a lonely prep company!
 And, as a bonus for this edition of the Animal Crossing Journal, two extra shots!

This is a freaking STEAL!
If I had a nickel for every time I said that...