Whether you want to wait until after you've listened to this week's five VGMs or want to jump in immediately, the VGM Database is where you can listen to an immaculate compilation of the best video game songs in the history of the medium. Go on, give it a try!
v1111. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS) - Shh... Easy now girl. I won't hurt you.
What a provocative song title! We kick things off on this edition of SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs with a song from Fire Emblem: Awakening. It's a lighthearted affair with strings, woodwinds, and piano. It's the type of pretty song that I can let play from beginning to end with this extended YouTube version.
v1112. Battalion Wars 2 (Wii) - Up Periscope
v1113. Rabbids Go Home (Wii) - Ciocarlia
One of the more underrated games on the Wii's massively underrated library, Rabbids Go Home had the funk of past Rabbids games that were merely mini-game collections. This is all the while Rabbids Go Home being an action adventure with some platforming elements. The soundtrack is a treat for the ears, inspired by Romanian folk music. It's wild, wacky, and wonderful!
v1114. Mega Man Network Transmission (GCN) - Garden System (Needle Man's Stage)
Needle Man's stage is based in a zone of the net that is teeming with plant and garden life. Watch out for the thorns of all shapes and sizes, as well as enemies that look to do nothing by erase Mega Man.EXE from existence. Mega Man Network Transmission is one of the harder Mega Man games released, but it's not for 100% the right reasons. Regardless, the soundtrack is full of synthesized goodness that makes at a play-through worthwhile.
v1115. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP) - Red Dawn
Combo breaker! What I mean by that is that we've had four games from Nintendo systems thus far. Let's end with a PSP game, and a fantastic one at that, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, a remake of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood with some bonus unlockable games in its package. Red Dawn is a level theme that fits the Gothic mood of this game tremendously.