Heavy Metal Massacre
DOOM Eternal takes up where its 2016 predecessor left off with Hell's monsters having begun their invasion on Earth. The planet is ravaged with more than half of its population utterly obliterated, and there's but one legendary hero ready and able to rip and tear until the job of vanquishing Hell's demonic forces from Earth is done--the Doom Slayer. With a heavier focus on story and lore than DOOM 2016, I saw myself growing bored enough with the story enough to completely skip some of the cutscenes. After all, all of the various scenes, sequences, and codex moments were interrupting the flow of the gameplay to the point where I was getting annoyed so much that I used that inner aggression outward on Hell's demon horde. An unintended positive for a story that I couldn't have cared less about. It doesn't help that my memory of the majority of DOOM 2016's tale was diminished, as DOOM Eternal heavily references major story parts of its predecessor.
Regardless, similar to its predecessor, but more so this time around, DOOM Eternal demands a lot of the player, having them juggle multiple balls at once in combat in order to survive each and every intense, ultraviolent skirmish that they find themselves thrust into. You have a limited arsenal at the beginning of the game, but it's more than enough to dispatch the foes that you encounter at first. Plus, by the end of the 15-hour campaign you're practically drowning in means and methods to rip and tear your enemies, so it's good that the campaign steadily introduces new weapons and mechanics as it goes on.
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Blood? Check. Gore? Got it. Hyper-violence? You know it! That's DOOM alright! |
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The variety of locales is much greater in DOOM Eternal than what was seen in its predecessor. |
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The Doom Slayer presents his version of reconstructive surgery. |
When you're not engaged in the death ballet that is DOOM Eternal's combat, you're doing lots and lots of platforming to break up the action. Plenty of times you'll find yourself scaling specially marked walls--but not so specially marked that they're too easy to pick out in the environment--and other times you'll be swinging off of horizontal bars and making precarious leaps over bottomless pits. Fortunately, falling down such a pit only results in a small decrease of health. A new dash move is introduced early on in the campaign, and this allows you to jut out with a sudden burst of speed either midair or on the ground. This move is great not only for gaining extra distance in midair to cross otherwise insurmountable chasms, but it's also used to smash open walls to find secret goodies.
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With the platforming in DOOM Eternal, it's oftentimes best to look before you leap. |
Secrets in DOOM Eternal aren't just there to check the box of the necessary "collectibles to add content" in the game: they're included as unlockables for content as well as to boost your Doom Slayer's capabilities like never before. Praetor points that are found from statues can be spent to upgrade your suit's abilities, weapon points that are earned from completing combat scenarios both mandatory and optional (as well as super-hard, but super-awesome Slayer Gate scenarios) can be spent to unlock secondary and tertiary functions of weapons, and special crystals increase the Slayer's maximum health, armor, and ammo capabilities. Thus, there's a good reason to seek secrets out, besides them just being cleverly hidden and damn fun to find.
DOOM Eternal mixes up combat with exploration well enough, though it's obvious when you're going to enter a combat phase as opposed to an exploration one. After all, a giant arena-like area with power-ups, health, armor, and ammo scattered about is generally a good hint. For the most part, combat and exploring/platforming sections are separated from one another with some mild crossover.
One level (a particularly annoying one, all things considered, might I add) featured a fight where enemies are buffed up, and I spent a good ten minutes, losing multiple lives, searching for a totem to destroy. It turns out that a new enemy type was summoning buffed creatures, and unlike every other new enemy encounter in the game, this one didn't have a tutorial message to tell me this. Frustrating design right there, as is whoever thought purple goo that prevents you from jumping was a properly place for gunfights was a lovely idea for this type of game.
Then, there are the boss fights which are heavy step down from DOOM 2016. They are great for testing your patience, but often they involve being bombarded with enemies while having to weaken the boss. The final duo of bosses tried my patience for how long the battle took because if you give too much attention to the boss, you'll be blindsided and obliterated by the enemies you're ignoring. This is a different kind of juggling act--having to battle a never-ending supply of demons while slowly depleting the health of a boss--sort of like rubbing your stomach and patting your head--except it's not a particularly entertaining or engaging one.
On the other side of the spectrum, I did find more to like than I previously thought I would about the added, all-new version of multiplayer, the asymmetric 2-versus-1 Battlemode that pits one super-powered, arsenal-heavy Doom Slayer against a duo of player-controlled demons. Currently, five demons are available to play as, including familiar favorites like the Mancubus and Revenant, as well as newcomers like the Arcvile and the devastating Marauder. In order to win a round, the Doom Slayer must defeat both demons before either can be revived. Battlemode arenas are generally taken directly from the campaign, offering some slight refurbishing for multiplayer purposes, but they're nothing particularly novel or memorable design-wise. Overall, matches are a blast, and finding out whether you prefer to play as the Doom Slayer or a demon--and which manner of demon--is part of the fun. Still, I wish the oft-forgotten but always enjoyable Deathmatch of DOOM 2016 had made its way to DOOM Eternal, as I do prefer that to what this game offers.
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Battlemode is inspired, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the traditional "Deathmatch" from DOOM 2016. |
[SPC Says: B+]
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